Seed Art Work Alejandro Guzzetti Land Art

Mémoire de graines

2014 – La Roche des Arnauds, France

Sought out, discovered by chance, offered … They are part of our travels, our meetings. Each seed is linked to another, merges into this other seed, evolves, returns to itself. The travel notebook, a little unusual, in which we revisit our seeds in different combinations and outlines. Between different morphologies that give artistic shapes to nature, a transformation arise but it does not move away from the source. Organic icons become symbols of artistic nature capable of metamorphosing aesthetically into multiple outlines: a treasure trove of analogies and traces.


Seed Art Work Alejandro Guzzetti Land Art

Mémoire de graines

2014 – La Roche des Arnauds, France

Sought out, discovered by chance, offered … They are part of our travels, our meetings. Each seed is linked to another, merges into this other seed, evolves, returns to itself. The travel notebook, a little unusual, in which we revisit our seeds in different combinations and outlines. Between different morphologies that give artistic shapes to nature, a transformation arise but it does not move away from the source. Organic icons become symbols of artistic nature capable of metamorphosing aesthetically into multiple outlines: a treasure trove of analogies and traces.


Seed Art Work Alejandro Guzzetti Land Art
Mémoire de graines 2 Alejandro Guzzetti
Mémoires de graines Alejandro Guzzetti
Mémoire de graines 3 Alejandro Guzzetti