History of an Environmental Artist
Born in Argentina in 1957, Alejandro Guzzetti has lived in Venezuela, Portugal and Italy before depositing his collection of shells, seeds, feathers and sound plants in La Roche des Arnauds, Hautes-Alpes. He has created together with Monica (his life partner) the association Espace Plaine and organize events where environmental art is considered as a tool for education and behavior change. He is an autodidact and, like all self-educated people, he is proud of it. No artistic training, an odd job in Bergamo for years. His training was made in the concrete of existence, in books, in the need to create objects and atmospheres. Encounters, friendship, wilderness produced this migration and revealed this home port that became “La Plaine”. He was also a “father hen” taking care of two boys, one of whom has perpetuated a sort of migratory culture and a natural curiosity. His house is itself a nest where insects, birds and even humans can find shelter. They will then receive the best of attention from the master of the place and Monica: observations both attentive and scientific, photographs, discussions, debates, wonder, interrogation … This is the Alejandro Guzzetti environmental artist’s point of view.
Genesis of is Natural Art
For Alejandro Guzzetti, the world is a nest, that is to say the symbol, the architectural and concrete manifestation of the feelings of protection, family, paternity, aesthetics. The nest is at the same time the concern of the parent, the perfection of the architect and the know-how of the builders. Protection of the offspring, the nest is an ideal, an idea, an allegory attesting what we can call the “order of things”, validating the notion of natural perfection, like the spider web, but in three dimensions, one encompassing while the other one captures, both having a nurturing function, both challenging flying beings. Hexagonal bee, bird builder, Alejandro has too much observed Nature not to want, if not to pay homage to her, at least imitate her ingenuity. His curiosity has few limits, it pushes him to seek into the origins our reason for being, the origin of mankind, animal species, behaviors …
Fozen moments…
The Gallery of his ephemeral works.